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Peter Hudis

December 28, 2015 Length: 2118 words 0 comments

Pedagogy of Insurrection—A Review of The Newest Book of Peter McLaren

Summary: Peter McLaren’s Pedagogy of Insurrection represents an effort to ground revolutionary approaches to education in a critique of the fundamental principles of global capitalism—such as wage labor, value production, racism and sexism. This review highlights the contributions as well as some of the contradictions found in this important work of revolutionary theory—Editors

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International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran

December 13, 2015 Length: 34 words 0 comments

Support Imprisoned Iranian Teacher Mahmoud Beheshti Langroodi, On Hunger Strike Since November 26, 2015

Summary: Mahmoud Beheshti Langroodi, a member of the Iranian Teachers’ Trade Association in Tehran, has gone on hunger strike after being sentenced to nine years in prison for his union activities — Editors

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J Turk

December 11, 2015 Length: 537 words 0 comments

Chicago Protest Demands Accounting for Police Murders

Summary: Determined protests against police brutality and murder continue in Chicago amid attempts at whitewash and questions over the meaning of changing “the system” — Editors

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Marcelo Mendez

December 2, 2015 Length: 697 words 0 comments

Climate Action at L.A. City Hall – #EarthtoParis

The November 29 climate rally in downtown Los Angeles addressed the need for a local shift from fossil fuels to renewables, as well as issues of race and class – Editors.

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The Chicago Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

November 25, 2015 Length: 672 words 14 comments

Beyond the Chicago Police Murder and Cover-Up: Toward a New Humanity

Summary: The murder of Laquan McDonald reveals not only the depravity of the Chicago cop who killed him but also of the entire police department, criminal justice system, and political forces that sought to conceal this crime and that of others against people of color all over the U.S. — Editors

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Marcelo Mendez

November 24, 2015 Length: 473 words 0 comments

California Student/Worker Demonstration against Student Debt and for $15/Hr. for Campus Workers

University of California, Santa Barbara experiences one of the nation’s largest turnouts for the November 12 nationwide Million Student March, where student-worker solidarity came to the fore – Editors.

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Tithi Bhattacharya

November 11, 2015 Length: 1499 words 0 comments

Frantz Fanon for Our Times: Reflections on Peter Hudis’s Biography of Fanon

Discusses Peter Hudis’s Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades in terms of Fanon’s rejection of an ontology of Blackness; his dialectic of race, class, and colonialism; and Fanon in relation to contemporary postcolonial thought. Bhattacharya’s comments were delivered at a meeting at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, where Selim Nadi, Hudis, and she spoke on the book. Sponsored by the Decolonising Our Minds student group, it was attended by nearly 400. These remarks first appeared on the Pluto Press blog, HERE – Editors.

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Richard Greeman

November 5, 2015 Length: 997 words 0 comments

Glad Tidings About Our Friend, Maati Monjib

Maati Monjib, the Moroccan historian, human rights activist, and translator into Arabic of Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom, has suspended his hunger strike in its 20th day, having forced the authoritarian Monarchy of Mohammed VI to back down and restore his right to travel – Editors.

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Raya Dunayevskaya

October 25, 2015 Length: 26 words 0 comments

The Shock of Recognition and the Philosophic Ambivalence of Lenin

Summary: This article was translated into Persian by Ali Kiani and published in Anjoman Azadi in 1991.  The English original appeared in Telos in 1970 — Editors

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October 25, 2015 Length: 26 words 0 comments

The Shock of Recognition and the Philosophic Ambivalence of Lenin — by Raya Dunayevskaya

Summary: This article was translated into Persian by Ali Kiani and published in Anjoman Azadi in 1991.   The English original appeared in Telos in 1970 — Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

October 22, 2015 Length: 508 words 3 comments

Russian Intervention in Syria and Interimperialist

Both the recent moves over Syria and the Iran agreement are part of a broader realignment of global and regional powers that above all want to restore “order” in the Middle East – Editors.

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Peter Hudis

October 19, 2015 Length: 1727 words 0 comments

Frantz Fanon: Race, Class, and a New Humanism

Peter Hudis on the contemporary relevance of his 2015 book, Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades, for intersectional discussions of race and class. Originally appeared on Pluto Press blog, Oct. 7, 2015 – Editors.

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Richard Greeman

October 16, 2015 Length: 283 words 0 comments

Report from Activists in Russia

On worsening situation in Russia after Nemtsov assassination and intervention in Syria, as well as continuing efforts by independent left – Editors.

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