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Kevin B. Anderson

December 7, 2016 Length: 1158 words 0 comments

The Criminal Siege of Aleppo and Its Consequences

Summary: The criminal siege of Aleppo by Assad, Russia, and Iran is tacitly supported by the USA in the name of stability, and this offers important lessons for the Left, especially those opposing Trump. — Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

December 6, 2016 Length: 440 words 0 comments

Austria: A Clear Repudiation of Far Right

Summary: Austria’s presidential election showed a repudiation of the Far Right, of xenophobia, and of Islamophobia, as well as the duplicity of the mainstream Austrian People’s Party — Editors

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Peter Hudis,
Sasha Lilley

November 29, 2016 Length: 3 words 0 comments

[Audio] Marx on Life After Capitalism

Summary: Capitalism appears to many to be a failed system. We’re also told that the alternative posed by Karl Marx is similarly bankrupt. As against the experience of the Soviet Union and China, Peter Hudis argues that freedom — including from a repressive state apparatus — was central to Marx’s concept of life after capitalism. Sasha Lilley interview with Peter Hudis on “Against the Grain,” KPFK-FM, Pacifica Radio (1 hr) — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

November 21, 2016 Length: 2015 words 1 comments

The Trump Election: Mourn, Reflect, and Organize

Summary: Open misogyny, Islamophobia, and especially the attack on aspects of neoliberalism distinguish Trump from previous US conservatives who have played to racism and nativism. This calls for a rethinking even by those on the Left who have targeted class and neoliberalism — Editors

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Peter Hudis

November 10, 2016 Length: 1656 words 1 comments

Trump’s Election: Capitalism’s Dangerous Turn Toward Open Racism and Misogyny

Summary: The freedom movements in the U.S., and indeed around the world, have been dealt a tremendous blow with the election of Donald Trump as President of the U.S. As we absorb the significance of this development and prepare to respond to it on the basis of firm Marxist-Humanist principles, there are several points that I think may be worthwhile to keep in mind — Editors

Adopted on Nov. 17, 2016, as a Statement of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

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Richard Greeman

November 1, 2016 Length: 1734 words 0 comments

Behind the Demonstrations in Morocco

Summary: The oppressive rule of King Mohammed VI of Morocco has experienced new challenges from the below on the eve of the COP 22 global environmental conference in Marrakesh — Editors

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Dale Heckerman

October 31, 2016 Length: 1911 words 0 comments

The Function of Police Is to “Protect and Serve” Capital

Summary:  The death of a friend during a forced eviction is the indirect result of the militarization brought about by the racist “War on Drugs” — Editors

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Kohei Saito

October 26, 2016 Length: 36 words 0 comments

“Learning from Late Marx”

Summary: This review of the 2016 expanded edition Kevin Anderson’s Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western first appeared in Monthly Review, October 2016 — Editors

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Paulo Morel

October 17, 2016 Length: 5021 words 0 comments

The 2016 Coup d’État in Brazil

Summary: The background to the soft coup d’état wherein reactionary neoliberal forces overthrew the elected Workers’ Party government without resorting to the military is part of a pattern in Latin America; analyzes the last 60 years of Brazilian national life, laying bare the contradictions of bourgeois democracy, and pointing toward the revolutionary unrest that is sure to emerge in the long run — Editors

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Marcelo Mendez

October 14, 2016 Length: 7872 words 0 comments

Environmental Destruction, Capital Accumulation, and the Quest for a New Form of Life

Summary: A student activist contrasts the anti-capitalist writings of Naomi Klein and Joel Kovel by discussing the roots of environmental destruction in the drive for capital accumulation, also exploring the need for an eco-socialist alternative — Editors

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Alireza Kia

October 2, 2016 Length: 1085 words 1 comments

Thoughts about the U.S. Presidential Election and Its Consequences

Summary: On the danger represented by the racist, sexist, anti-immigrant Donald Trump, how economic hardship is driving some white workers toward him, and the need for a total uprooting of the system” — Editors

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Kohei Saito

October 1, 2016 Length: 2626 words 0 comments

Confining Marx to the Nineteenth Century: On Gareth Stedman Jones

Summary: A review of Gareth Stedman Jones, Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion (Harvard, 2016), a well-researched biography that utilizes the Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). But its dismissive treatment of Marx’s critique of political economy and of his late writings on non-Western and precapitalist societies shows the book’s shortcomings, as Stedman Jones limits Marx’s legacy to the 19th century without discovering its power for today amid the global crisis of capitalism — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

September 15, 2016 Length: 5251 words 0 comments

Deep Contradictions Facing the Global Movement for Human Emancipation: In the Middle East, China, and Europe

Summary: Neither the old hierarchical organizational model nor the spontaneous self-organization one has found a form of philosophy and organization that can bring us to a positive, humanist alternative to the system. Based on a speech to the July 2016 Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, Chicago; first published in Logos: A Journal of Modern Society & Culture, Summer 2016  — Editors

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Lifted Voices

September 14, 2016 Length: 2017 words 1 comments

Support the Struggle at Standing Rock!

Summary: A powerful effort to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline has mobilized large sections of the Native American communities and supporters. Now is the time to make your voice heard in solidarity with this important movement — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

September 12, 2016 Length: 1436 words 0 comments

Lessons from the Arab Spring

Review of Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising, by Gilbert Achcar.  Originally appeared in Jacobin, Sept. 12, 2016 — Editors

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