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Raya Dunayevskaya

April 13, 2017 Length: 2269 words 0 comments

Philosophy, “Life-Style” and U.S. Workers

Summary — Raya Dunayevskaya, in 1970, critiques the illusions of the counter-cultural “Woodstock nation,” and calls for a coalescence of the objective and subjective forces needed for social revolution — Editors

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Peter Hudis

April 12, 2017 Length: 4995 words 0 comments

The Brotherwise Dispatch vs Peter Hudis

Summary: Interview with Peter Hudis highlights the guiding threads in the thought and activity of Frantz Fanon as a humanist and anti-racist beacon in the battle of ideas and the struggle for an alternative to capitalism. Also addresses contradictions within Marxist-Humanism in the US. Orig. appeared in The Brotherwise Dispatch, Dec. 2016-Feb. 2017–Editors

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Lilia D. Monzó

March 31, 2017 Length: 12034 words 0 comments

Women and Revolution: Marx and the Dialectic

Summary: A class struggle that is anti-sexist, anti-racist, and against all forms of oppression is central to Marx’s philosophy of revolution and the development of a new humanism. The force and reason of women of color are especially crucial to this process. First appeared in Knowledge Cultures 4:6 (2016) — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

March 30, 2017 Length: 6003 words 2 comments

Marx’s Intertwining of Race and Class During the Civil War in the U.S.

Summary: Marx wrote on how enslaved Blacks, white US and British workers, and Abolitionist and socialist intellectuals interacted during what amounted to a second American Revolution. Author’s last version of article in Journal of Classical Sociology 17:1 — via escholarship  — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Alexander Reid Ross,
Javier Sethness

March 25, 2017 Length: 23 words 0 comments

[Video] From Marx and Bakunin in the First International through the Russian Revolution

Summary: Panel discussion at the Orange County (LA area) Anarchist Book Fair, with two anarchists and one Marxist-Humanist — Editors

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Robert Spencer

March 20, 2017 Length: 1934 words 0 comments

Why We Need Marxist-Humanism Now

Summary: Counterposes antihumanist positions in Foucault and others, arguing for a revival of Marxist humanism. First appeared in the Pluto Press blog, Feb. 27, 2017 — Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

March 18, 2017 Length: 583 words 0 comments

Dutch Elections: Another Repudiation of Rightwing Populism

Summary: Dutch elections repudiate populist Right and show gains by anti-populist left-of-centre parties, with the exception of the social democrats, who were discredited by their neoliberal policies — Editors

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Rehmah Sufi

March 17, 2017 Length: 900 words 0 comments

Feminism and Radical International Solidarity

Summary: Speech given to International Working Women’s Day rally, Chicago, Illinois, sponsored by the Socialist Party, March 8, 2017  — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

February 27, 2017 Length: 1334 words 0 comments

Two of a Kind: Rodrigo Duterte and Donald Trump

Summary: The new presidents of the Philippines and the United States are two of a kind, and part of a global reactionary trend — Editors

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Richard Greeman

February 21, 2017 Length: 836 words 6 comments

Behind the “Deep State Coup”

Summary: Notions of a “deep state” opposing Trump echo claims by the Putin regime; what is really happening is a split in the US ruling class that opens possibilities for the Left — Editors

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Lilia D. Monzó

February 1, 2017 Length: 2106 words 0 comments

Marx in the Age of Trump: Reaching Out to Communities of Color

Summary: Central to Marx’s philosophy of liberation is the struggle against ALL forms of oppression and exploitation, including racism, and sexism. Unfortunately, this call has been obscured by post-Marx Marxists and other leftists, leading many feminists and intellectuals of color to embrace non-Marxist theories. This has robbed us of the unity crucial to any real revolution. — Editors

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Sam Friedman

January 25, 2017 Length: 449 words 0 comments

Dialectics against Die-electics: Three Poems

Summary: Three poems… – Editors

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Solidarity Committees with Iranian Workers Movement Abroad

January 15, 2017 Length: 5 words 0 comments

Labor News from Iran

Summary: In Iran’s oppressive regime, freedom struggles and workers’ struggles converge. This is demonstrated in the latest issue of Alternative Workers’ News — Iran, which was recently sent to us and reports on current struggles by the labor and progressive social movements in that country – Editors

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Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

January 14, 2017 Length: 560 words 0 comments

Build a Real Challenge to Capitalism in the Trump Era

Summary: The political realities that brought Trump to power are part of a worldwide trend reflecting the next stage of capitalism, struggling to reinvent itself yet again in the face of new economic and social realities– Editors

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Leo E.

January 5, 2017 Length: 749 words 0 comments

Protests in Los Angeles since the election: Thoughts of a Young Marxist-Humanist

Summary: Los Angeles protests see newly-politicized youth rallying around anti-Trumpism, but more political development is necessary — Editors

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