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Ndindi Kitonga

August 21, 2020 Length: 4770 words 1 comments

Battle of Ideas: Race, Class, Gender, and Revolution in Theory and in Practice

Summary: Report to the July 2020 Interim Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, slightly updated — Editors

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Kieran Durkin

August 18, 2020 Length: 3141 words 1 comments

Erich Fromm and the Revolution of Hope

Summary: Marks the fortieth anniversary of the socialist humanist Erich Fromm’s death. First appeared in Jacobin, here https://www.jacobinmag.com/2020/08/erich-fromm-frankfurt-school-marxism-weimar-germany — Editors

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Rocio Lopez

August 16, 2020 Length: 970 words 0 comments

Sabotage of the American Mail

Summary: Trump administration’s sabotage of mail is a sabotage of the elections and is drawing protest — Editors

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Richard Greeman

August 16, 2020 Length: 1358 words 1 comments

COVID: Which side are we on?

Summary: An examination of how class divisions and opposed concepts of freedom underpin the radically divergent approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe and the U.S. — Editors

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Executive Committee of the Central Council of the “University Solidarity” Trade Union

August 15, 2020 Length: 621 words 0 comments

Solidarity is the key to victory!

Summary: Labor dimension of the protests in Belarus against a fraudulent election and the longstanding authoritarian regime of Alexander Lukashenko — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

August 14, 2020 Length: 2482 words 2 comments

Rosa Luxemburg’s Birds

Summary: Besides being a revolutionary and one of the most creative post-Marx Marxist thinkers, Rosa Luxemburg was a dedicated birdwatcher. Her notes on birds may help us reveal an aspect of her approach to life, nature, and the new society – Editors.

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Seamus Connolly

August 11, 2020 Length: 2986 words 0 comments

Marxist-Humanism in the Heat of the Present

Summary: Presentation given at the International Marxist-Humanist Organization’s 2020 Convention in July. Discusses the concept of a dialectical and revolutionary humanism and its relevance to the present moment– Editors.

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Amir Javaheri Langaroudi

August 8, 2020 Length: 353 words 0 comments

Iran: 55th day of strike at Haft Tapeh

Summary: Strikers persists in brutal heat but with growing support from other workers — Editors

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Peter Hudis

August 6, 2020 Length: 5199 words 0 comments

The Seeds of Revolution Have Sprouted: What is Now to be Done?

Summary: Based on report to a Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization; discusses how the new turning point reached with movement for Black lives can deepen the development of a viable alternative to capitalism. First appeared in New Politics Online https://newpol.org/the-seeds-of-revolution-have-sprouted-what-is-now-to-be-done/ — Editors

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Lilia D. Monzó

August 4, 2020 Length: 6871 words 0 comments

Colonialism, Migration, Pandemic: The Immutable Evidence that Capitalism Is Racist and Misogynist

Summary: People of color, especially women of color, have generally borne the brunt of the human suffering inflicted by capitalism. First appeared in Monthly Review, July-August 2020, here https://monthlyreview.org/2020/07/01/colonialism-migration-pandemic/ — Editors

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Worker's Camp

July 27, 2020 Length: 604 words 1 comments

Solidarity with Iranian workers at Haft Tappeh Sugar cane factory

Summary: Appeal on behalf of locked out workers whose plant has been privatized and its capital stolen, and who also face state repression. Translated from the Persian by Hamid Vahed — Editors

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Sajjad Talha

July 23, 2020 Length: 680 words 1 comments

Letter from a Kashmiri Marxist

Summary: A Kashmiri Marxist experiences right-wing violence outside his region, Marxist organizing, and then military repression inside Kashmir — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

July 22, 2020 Length: 6137 words 0 comments

On the Battle of Ideas: Responding to the New World of COVID-19, Economic Crisis, and Anti-Racist Uprisings

Summary: Adapted from a presentation to the July 2020 Interim Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization — Editors

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Marcelo Guimarães Lima

July 21, 2020 Length: 2349 words 1 comments

Marx From the Margins to the Center

Summary: On the 2019 Portuguese (Brazil) translation Kevin B. Anderson’s Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity and Non-Western Societies. First published in Portuguese on June 12 on Blog da Boitempo (Sao Paulo), here: https://blogdaboitempo.com.br/2020/06/12/marx-das-margens-ao-centro/ — Editors

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Chris Aquino

July 20, 2020 Length: 637 words 0 comments

Progressive Electoral Surge in New York and Its Limits

Summary: Reflections on defeat of establishment pro-Israel warhawk Eliot Engel by an avowed socialist and on the limits of electoral organizing for the left — Editors

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