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Sushanta D. Roy

December 16, 2020 Length: 1058 words 0 comments

Workers and Farmers of India Highlight the Route Ahead for the Global Left

Summary: Analyses the November 26 and December 8 strikes by 250 million farmers and workers, the largest anywhere in the world — Editors

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Natália de Oliveira

December 15, 2020 Length: 2959 words 0 comments

Crisis and resistance in Brazil: survival strategies as a way to build a new future

Summary: Updated version of presentation to online November 14 mini conference of the IMHO on, “Where do we go from here? Global Revolutionary Perspectives on the Present Moment” — Editors

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Zahoor Ahmad Wani

December 6, 2020 Length: 2911 words 0 comments

Repression and Struggles in India Since 2014

Summary: Updated version of presentation to the IMHO mini-conference of Nov. 14, “Where Do We Go from Here? Global Revolutionary Perspectives on the Present Moment” – Editors

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Ndindi Kitonga

December 2, 2020 Length: 2538 words 0 comments

Where Do We Go from Here? Black Lives Matter as an Ongoing Movement

Summary: Presentation to online November 14 mini conference of the IMHO, “Where Do We Go from Here? Global Revolutionary Perspectives on the Present Moment” — Editors

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Sushanta D. Roy

November 29, 2020 Length: 1338 words 0 comments

Bihar Elections in India: The Route for Resurgence of the Left?

Report from the general election in the state of Bihar, India, focusing on the development on the left – Editors.

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Chris Aquino

November 23, 2020 Length: 1169 words 0 comments

Ballot Measures in the US: A Few Victories Amid Capitalist Counterattacks

Summary: A success in Florida but surprising defeats in “progressive” California – Editors.

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Peter Hudis

November 11, 2020 Length: 1866 words 5 comments

U.S. Election Shows Deep Divisions, with Multiple Dangers Ahead Even If Trump Can Be Made to Leave Office

Summary: Deep contradictions following U.S. election — Editors

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Lalan Kishor Singh

November 1, 2020 Length: 3076 words 0 comments

To understand Marxism, we need to know Marx! Preliminary notes on Marx and Marxism

Summary: This reflection by a worker in Nagpur, India consists of his effort to come to grips with the basic principles of Marx’s thought and its relevance to the current period – Editors

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Political Prisoners

October 31, 2020 Length: 276 words 0 comments

Letter by 72 Political Prisoners in Iran

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Sevgi Doğan

October 29, 2020 Length: 1019 words 0 comments

From Black Lives Matter to Gezi and Rojava

Summary: Questions for the Black Lives Matter uprising in light of the Turkish and Kurdish mass movements and uprisings — and repression — since 2013 — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

October 27, 2020 Length: 659 words 0 comments

Thoughts on the U.S. Elections: Threat of the Far Right

Summary: English version of interview with the leftwing Greek weekly Epohi. Greek version first appeared here http://www.epohi.gr/article/37389/kevin-anterson-stoys-repoymplikanoys-ehei-epikrathsei-h-akrodexia-politikh

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Sushanta D. Roy

October 25, 2020 Length: 2400 words 0 comments

Jacindamania and the Aotearoa New Zealand Elections of 2020: Hopes and Potentialities

Summary: The New Zealand elections as a gain and as a limitation for the left — Editors.

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Peter Hudis

October 20, 2020 Length: 1629 words 5 comments

In Memoriam: James Obst, Friend, Comrade, Revolutionary

Summary: James Obst (1953-2020) was a founding member of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization who gave 45 years of his life to the cause of human self-emancipation.

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P. H.,
A. N.,
M. S.,
T. T.

October 18, 2020 Length: 2498 words 2 comments

[Discussion Article] Against War in Արցախ | Qarabağ (Nagorno-Karabakh)

Summary: This “Decolonial, antifascist and ecofeminist statement from Armenia”
first appeared on the website of Sev Bibar on October 12, 2020, here https://medium.com/sev-bibar/against-war-in-%D5%A1%D6%80%D6%81%D5%A1%D5%AD-qaraba%C4%9F-2baaecfbad5e — Editors

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Charlotte Achieng-Evensen

October 16, 2020 Length: 70 words 0 comments

Poem for Black Lives

Summary: This poem was written by Achieng-Evensen after scholar-activist Tajuan spoke out on need to remember the many Black lives lost at a #ScholarsStrike teach-in organized by Chapman University students and the Paulo Freire Democratic Project via zoom – Editors.

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