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Richard Abernethy

February 10, 2021 Length: 567 words 0 comments

Burma/Myanmar 2021: a new phase in a long struggle for freedom

Summary: Long struggle for freedom and against military dictatorship enters a new phase, as mass protests sweep the country — Editors

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Sushanta D. Roy

February 10, 2021 Length: 2161 words 0 comments

The Ongoing Farmers’ Agitation in India: Revolutionary Possibilities

Summary: Assessment in wake of the January 26 confrontations — Editors

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February 9, 2021 Length: 1985 words 0 comments

International appeal for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Russia

Summary: This urgent appeal was written in collaboration with activists and intellectuals living in Russia – Editors.

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Sevgi Doğan

February 9, 2021 Length: 1911 words 0 comments

Turkish Protests Against Erosion of Academic Freedom and Virulent Heterosexism

Summary: Students and professors resist attempts to place Boğaziçi University under the control of an increasingly authoritarian state, which is using heterosexist propaganda against them — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

February 8, 2021 Length: 6942 words 0 comments

Class, Gender, Race & Colonialism: The ‘Intersectionality’ of Marx

Portuguese translation here.

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Kevork Sassouni

February 5, 2021 Length: 774 words 0 comments

Lebanon: Behind the Assassination of Lokman Slim

Summary: Assassination of independent-minded Shiite intellectual Lukman Slim, apparently by Hezbollah, is a blow to democratic resistance — Editors

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Movement for Solidarity with Maati Monjib in America

February 4, 2021 Length: 560 words 0 comments

Update about Dr. Maati Monjib’s Imprisonment in Morocco

Summary: Protest outrageous one-year prison sentence for Moroccan historian, journalist, and human rights activist Maati Monjib, who is the translator of Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom and other Marxist works into Arabic — Editors

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Kieran Durkin,
Daniel Finn

February 3, 2021 Length: 95 words 0 comments

[Audio] Kieran Durkin on Erich Fromm, Marxist Humanism, and the Revolution of Hope

Summary: Long Reads is a Jacobin podcast looking in-depth at political topics and thinkers, both contemporary and historical, with the magazine’s longform writers. Hosted by Features Editor Daniel Finn.

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Kevin B. Anderson

January 31, 2021 Length: 2672 words 5 comments

Looking Back at Maoism and the Global Left

Summary: Review of Maoism: A Global History by Julia Lovell, emphasizing Southern Africa, Indonesia, and Cambodia. First appeared in New Politics, Winter 2021, here. – Editors

Chinese here.

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Felicita Margolis

January 16, 2021 Length: 2148 words 0 comments

Inequality and the Pandemic as a Lived Reality

Summary: Race, class, and the experiences of a Latinx family in Los Angeles County during the epidemic — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

January 15, 2021 Length: 1861 words 1 comments

Don’t Forget the Political Earthquake in Georgia

Summary: Defeat of the Republicans in the January 5 Georgia senate election at the hands of Blacks and other progressives upends the decades-old Republican “Southern strategy” — Editors

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Peter Hudis

January 7, 2021 Length: 1659 words 1 comments

This Was No Joke—Trump’s Attempted Coup Against Democracy on January 6

Summary: The foiled attack on the Capitol by neo-fascist white nationalists on January 6 marks a potential turning point in combatting the reactionary currents of which Trump is but the mouthpiece and expression – Editors

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Peter Hudis

January 2, 2021 Length: 3247 words 1 comments

The Revolutionary Humanism of Frantz Fanon

The philosopher, psychiatrist, and revolutionary militant Frantz Fanon was a key figure in the struggle against European colonialism. Fanon’s innovative thinking on racism and its relationship to class oppression still speaks vividly to the present. First appeared in Jacobin: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2020/12/humanism-frantz-fanon-philosophy-revolutionary-algeria
Turkish translation

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Activists in Morocco and Abroad

January 1, 2021 Length: 2015 words 1 comments

Moroccan Historian and Human Rights Activist Arrested

Summary: Protest arrest of Moroccan Marxist historian and human rights activist Maâti Monjib — Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

December 22, 2020 Length: 465 words 1 comments

Help Continue the Work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

We need your help to continue the work of the IMHO.

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