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Tony Smith

December 13, 2021 Length: 1015 words 2 comments

Review of Kevin Anderson’s ‘Dialectics of Revolution’

A review of Kevin B. Anderson’s Dialectics of Revolution, emphasizing different Marxist thinkers and their relationships (or lackthereof) to Hegelian dialectics. Originally published in the October 2021 issue of Science & Society. –Editors

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Dan Beltaigne

December 10, 2021 Length: 292 words 0 comments

Support BCTWGM International Union Workers, Boycott Kellogg’s!

It’s time all of us stand with the union workers at Kellogg’s and boycott all Kellogg’s products till this battle is won! Issued as a Statement of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization on December 12 — Editors

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A picture of Donald Trump in profile wearing an ill-fitting suit and red "Make America Great Again" cap in front of US flag. He has his arm raised, as he has done many times, in his characteristic wave to a crowd that bares a likeness to the Sieg Heil.

Barbara Epstein

December 9, 2021 Length: 2354 words 1 comments

[Discussion Article] Reflections on the Fascist Threat – From the 1930s to Today

Should the Left unite with the center – or the progressive liberals – against fascism? Thoughts from a veteran socialist. First presented at a November 21, 2021 meeting of the Los Angeles chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization — Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

December 7, 2021 Length: 613 words 0 comments

Help Continue the Work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

Summary: We need your help to continue the work of the IMHO – Editors.

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Lilia D. Monzó

December 1, 2021 Length: 2622 words 0 comments

U.S. Im(migration) and racial-colonial capitalism

Summary: From a presentation to a meeting of the Los Angeles chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization — Editors

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Eryn Nelken

November 28, 2021 Length: 757 words 0 comments

Alienation and Higher Education

Summary: A student reflects on the alienated nature of education today in light of Marx’s Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

November 21, 2021 Length: 776 words 2 comments

Kenosha Trial Gives Fascists Open Season on Black Lives Matter and the Left

Summary: The November 19 Kenosha verdict is a racist, reactionary outrage and a big step forward for those scheming for a fascist society. Issued as a Statement of the Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, and, on December 1, voted a Statement of the IMHO. See also our previous Statement on the fascist threat in the U.S., after the January 6 attack in Washington, DC: This Was No Joke—Trump’s Attempted Coup Against Democracy on January 6 — Editors

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E. San Juan Jr.

November 17, 2021 Length: 4937 words 0 comments

[Discussion Article] Judgment Day in the Killing Fields of the Philippines

Summary: Authoritarianism, neocolonialism, and violence in the Philippines, in the context of neoliberalism and Covid-19 – Editors.

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Tòmas MacAilpein

November 9, 2021 Length: 1264 words 0 comments

COP26 Glasgow – Internationalism and Resistance

Summary: A Glasgow activist reports on his experience of taking part in protests, meetings and talks: ‘Each day there is a bewildering number of events and actions as part of a coming together of Scottish, UK and international climate activists.’ – Editors

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The Sudanese Workers Alliance for the Restoration of Trade Unions

November 2, 2021 Length: 859 words 0 comments

Sudan: Workers call for unity, solidarity against the coup

Summary: Here, we are republishing a statement of Sudanese workers in solidarity with the people of Sudan, opposing the coup led by army chief General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan. First appeared on the website of Green Left, here: https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/sudan-workers-call-unity-solidarity-against-coup — Editors

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Ali and comrades hold a blue banner that says "Down with the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Alireza Kia

October 27, 2021 Length: 1238 words 3 comments

In Memory of Ali Kiani (Kambiz Rafie)

Summary: We mourn the passing of an Iranian Marxist, revolutionary, and true humanist — Editors

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A farmer holds a sign saying "No Farmer, No Food: Shame On Modi" in front of a crowd of other protesting farmers

Sushanta D. Roy

October 27, 2021 Length: 2712 words 0 comments

Neo-Fascism and Capitalism: Twin Realities of India Today

Summary: India’s Modi regime has moved toward fascism with Islamophobia, repression of the farmers, and failed COVID-19 and economic policies — Editors

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Peter Hudis,

October 26, 2021 Length: 349 words 0 comments

[Video] This is Revolution: The Legacy of Frantz Fanon

Summary: Interview with Peter Hudis about the Legacy of Frantz Fanon — Editors

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David Black

October 21, 2021 Length: 1405 words 0 comments

‘Another Language’ – How Walt Whitman’s Poetry Came to England

Summary: Walt Whitman’s poetry was first published outside the United States in 1850 by the most radical tendency of the English Chartist movement who embraced the ideas of Karl Marx – Editors

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