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Ukraine Solidarity Campaign

February 24, 2022 Length: 30 words 0 comments

Mass Protest: Russia Hands Off Ukraine! *Change of Location – Downing Street, not at Russian Embassy*

Labor Movement Solidarity with Ukraine, Protest on Saturday 26 February.

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A group of protesters hold signs supporting striking academic workers. In front, 2 students hold a pink banner that has "STUDENTS + WORKERS" written across it.

Seamus Connolly

February 20, 2022 Length: 331 words 0 comments

Strike Action: University and Colleges Union, UK – the Four Fights

A worker’s report on ongoing labor strikes against the increasingly cruel treatment of the workforce in UK universities. — Editors

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Rajiv Nagar,
Lalan Kishor Singh

February 15, 2022 Length: 1978 words 0 comments

Indian Workers Speak for Themselves

The following two articles were written by two rank-and-file workers in Nagpur, India and is being circulated as a leaflet among workers as a contribution to reviving the country’s labor movement. — Editors

Hindi translation here.

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Steven Colatrella

February 8, 2022 Length: 5342 words 2 comments

“When all you have is a hammer…”: why Agamben’s ideas were bound to lead to this

Summary: Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s attack on public health measures during Covid 19 is linked to undialectical perspectives rooted in Nietzsche, and contrasted to other thinkers like Toni Negri, Naomi Klein, and Peter Linebaugh – Editors

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Ukraine Solidarity Campaign

February 8, 2022 Length: 316 words 1 comments

No to war – Russia’s hands off Ukraine!

An international statement of solidarity launched by the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign. The International Marxist-Humanist Organization has signed and supports this statement. — Editors

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Alex Adamson

January 31, 2022 Length: 1777 words 0 comments

Review: Kevin B. Anderson, Kieran Durkin, and Heather Brown, (eds.) ‘Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism’

Review essay by Alyssa Adamson, first appeared in Theory, Culture & Society https://www.theoryculturesociety.org/blog/review-anderson-durkin-brown-raya-dunayevskayas-intersectional-marxism — Editors

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A nighttime birds-eye view of buildings in Kiev.

Sam Friedman

January 25, 2022 Length: 189 words 0 comments

“As Putin and Biden bluster threats of war, and so-called antiwar activists echo imperial lies…”

A long-time socialist’s poem reminiscing about friends and experiences in Kyiv in the shadow of the threat of war in Ukraine. — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

January 6, 2022 Length: 3983 words 0 comments

The January 6 Insurrection: Historical and Global Contexts

Summary: One year later the January 6, 2021 Trumpist insurrection marks a nodal point. It exemplifies both U.S. white mob violence and contemporary global neofascism. While both of these contain rural roots, we need to avoid the Lassallean trap of writing off rural populations as uniformly conservative. Reposted from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0sd6k6zf? First appeared in Critical Sociology — Editors

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Alex Adamson

January 4, 2022 Length: 1232 words 0 comments

Review: A Revolutionary Subject: Pedagogy of Women of Color and Indigeneity

A review of Lilia Monzo’s ‘A Revolutionary Subject: Pedagogy of Women of Color and Indigeneity’ — Editors

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Peter Hudis

January 4, 2022 Length: 5649 words 1 comments

Time, Labour, and the Overcoming of Domination: Reflections on Martin Hägglund’s “This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom”

Summary: This review of an outstanding philosophic study that has much to offer to those seeking to develop an alternative to capitalism, first appeared in Historical Materialism Online, September 7, 2021 – Editors

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Derek Lewis

December 23, 2021 Length: 1238 words 0 comments

“Striketober” Persists

Strike activity beginning in “Striketober” through today, with an emphasis on the University of California-American Federation of Labor Lecturers strike movement and Starbucks workers’ ongoing unionization struggle — Editors

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Bill Young

December 19, 2021 Length: 2075 words 0 comments

Chile: Behind the Left’s Victory

Summary: Background and context for Chile’s runoff election – Editors

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Dan Beltaigne

December 16, 2021 Length: 1671 words 0 comments

U.S. Workers Look for New Ways Out

Summary: Strikes at Kellogg’s, John Deere, and Riot Games are showing new forms of creative organizing not seen before — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

December 14, 2021 Length: 2393 words 0 comments

On the 150th Anniversary of the Paris Commune: Marx, Gender, and the Alternative to Capitalism in 1871, 1844, and Today

Marx’s writings on the Paris Commune in 1871 and on crude communism in 1844 point to the centrality of gender in the struggle for the alternative to capitalism — Editors

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