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Lalan Kishor Singh

June 7, 2022 Length: 934 words 0 comments

Indian Workers Fight Modi’s New Labor Laws

Summary: This statement was written by and is being distributed as a flyer (in Hindi) by members of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization in Nagpur, India, under the title, “We the workers have to fight our own battle! Let’s march together against the imposition of 4 anti-working-class labor codes by the MODI Government!”

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Dermot Dix

May 27, 2022 Length: 2587 words 0 comments

The 2022 Northern Ireland Election in Historical Context

Summary: The election result can be seen as a victory for the nationalist/populist Sinn Fein, but the success of the centrist Alliance Party shows signs of a break-down in sectarian politics – Editors

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Senka Anastasova

May 26, 2022 Length: 1199 words 0 comments

Intersectional Humanism

Review of “Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism: Race, Gender, Class and the Dialectics of Liberation – Editors.

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Rocio Lopez

May 12, 2022 Length: 643 words 1 comments

LA Feminists Stood Up for Abortion Rights & Were Attacked by Federal Police

Summary: Abortion rights demonstrators came out onto streets immediately after Supreme Court decision was made public, only to undergo outrageous attack by Homeland Security police and LAPD — Editors

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Jens Johansson

May 10, 2022 Length: 2123 words 0 comments

Why Sweden Should Refrain from NATO and Support Democratic Movements in Russia

Summary: In the coming weeks it seems increasingly likely that Finland and Sweden will apply for membership in NATO. Here, we publish thoughts from a Swede who argues against NATO membership, while at the same time not refraining from criticizing Putin – Editors

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Peter McLaren

May 9, 2022 Length: 1859 words 0 comments

Ukraine and the Struggle to be Human

A deeply Marxist-Humanist analysis of violence in Ukraine and an an argument for Left dissent from Putin. This article was originally published in PESA Agora and can be found on their website here. –Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

May 4, 2022 Length: 2792 words 0 comments

The French Presidential Election: Another Five Years of Macron

Summary: Macron’s “victory” in the recent French elections poses new challenges to a fragmented French Left while leaving France’s innumerable social contradictions unresolved – Editors.

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Sushanta D. Roy

April 19, 2022 Length: 885 words 0 comments

Two-Day General Strike Successful in India

The various forces of Indian labour, despite their contradictions, have shown their power in the face of the rightwing BJP regime — Editors

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April 15, 2022 Length: 540 words 1 comments

Internationalist Manifesto Against the War

Summary: The Tempest Collective joins socialist and anti-capitalist organizations from across the NATO countries, Russia, and Ukraine, as part of an effort to rebuild a truly internationalist anti-war and anti-imperialist movement. See French, Greek, Dutch, and Chinese translation. – Editors.

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Khalfani Malik Khaldun

April 10, 2022 Length: 941 words 0 comments

Demanding an Investigation and Impartial Hearing on the Lynching at the Miami (Indiana) Correctional Facility

This is an update in the struggle of Khalfani Malik Khaldun, a Black political prisoner, whose safety and life and is in serious jeopardy due to actions of the Indiana Department of Corrections. For regular updates and information on how to send messages of support on his behalf, go to: https://www.idocwatch.org/blog-1/2022/4/8/urgent-phone-zap-transfer-khalfani-now

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Kevin B. Anderson

April 10, 2022 Length: 4218 words 0 comments

Revisiting Marx on Race, Capitalism, and Revolution

Marx writings on race, capitalism, and revolution still speak to us today at a time of global and U.S. struggles for liberation in the face of a deeply racialized fascist threat. Originally appeared in Monthly Review (March) and can be found here. Both the author and this journal take strong exception to MR’s stance on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — Editors

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Peter Hudis

April 9, 2022 Length: 5605 words 3 comments

Why Today’s Attack on Democracy Matters

This article is taken from an oral presentation made to one of a series of public discussions the International Marxist-Humanist Organization in Chicago is currently holding on “Where Do We Go from Here? Taking Stock of the Present Moment,” on February 28, 2022. ⁠— Editors

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