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Viv Lu

December 9, 2022 Length: 541 words 0 comments

China’s A4 Revolution

Summary: From an overseas student — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

December 4, 2022 Length: 816 words 3 comments

[Book Review] Ukraine: Voices of Resistance and Solidarity

Summary: A review of Ukraine: Voices of Resistance and Solidarity, published by Resistance Books and Ukraine Solidarity Campaign, 2022 – Editors

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December 4, 2022 Length: 81 words 0 comments

[Audio] Intersectional Marxism & the Search for a Humanist Alternative to Capitalism

Summary: Recording of public meeting in London – Editors

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Janet Afary,
Kevin B. Anderson

December 2, 2022 Length: 39 words 0 comments

Woman, Life, Freedom: The Origins of the Uprising in Iran

Summary: The 2022 uprising in the context of a century of struggle for women’s rights in Iran — Editors


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Martha Sonnenberg

December 1, 2022 Length: 6584 words 3 comments

The Imaginative Dialectic in the Novels of Victor Serge

Summary: The legacy of this Franco-Russian anti-Stalinist Marxist resonates today, not only for his clear-eyed analysis of what happened to Russia, but also for his luminous hope for the future, even amid despair. Originally appeared in New Politics (Summer 2022) — Editors

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Rehmah Sufi

November 29, 2022 Length: 1439 words 0 comments

Sindh March in Defense of Moorat and Khwajasira communities in Pakistan

Summary: This report of a march in Pakistan in defense of the moorat and khwajasira community—terms for transgender, intersex, non-binary people—takes place in the context of rising attacks worldwide on these communities as well as new efforts to resist them. For more on these events, see https://youtu.be/Hludo_ks4Hw.

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Louis Dupre

November 25, 2022 Length: 6 words 0 comments

Critique of Louis Althusser

Summary: Because it still speaks to us today, we reprint Louis Dupré’s astute 1971 critique of Althusser’s misreading of Marx. We recently memorialized this philosopher of Marx and Hegel, who also engaged in a lively correspondence with Raya Dunayevskaya, here. – Editors

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Hamid Vahed

November 7, 2022 Length: 208 words 0 comments

A Revolutionary Response to Iran’s Missile Launch

Summary: What is the purpose of launching the Nahid satellite by means of a Ghaem 100 rocket at a time when the regime is in conflict with the masses a people demonstrating against the entire system of the Islamic Republic? — Editors

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Lyndon Porter

November 1, 2022 Length: 2587 words 2 comments

Lenin’s Return to Hegel: Why Hegel Still Matters Today

Summary: Review of the 2021 Brill/Historical Materialism edition of Anderson’s Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism, with a 45-page new introduction by the author — Editors

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Iranian activists in exile and former political prisoners

October 24, 2022 Length: 756 words 0 comments

So That The “Woman, Life, Freedom” Movement Does Not Die!: a call for solidarity with the political prisoners of the Iranian regime

Summary: A statement in support of the protests in Iran, and in solidarity with political prisoners, from a group of Iranian activists in exile and former political prisoners. First appeared on Verso blog here. — Editors

Persian here.

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Natália de Oliveira

October 20, 2022 Length: 1251 words 0 comments

Brazilian Elections 2022: Challenges and Space of The Resistance of The Brazilian Left

Summary: Discusses the upcoming Brazilian election and how to defeat Bolsonarism — Editors

Portuguese original here.

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Derek Lewis

October 19, 2022 Length: 989 words 0 comments

UPS Workers Dissatisfied with Inhumane Conditions and Demand Better

Summary: Reviewing the potential for a UPS Workers Strike and the Teamster Union’s Position — Editors

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Mehrub Moiz Awan,
Rehmah Sufi

October 13, 2022 Length: 3258 words 0 comments

At the Intersections of Heteropatriarchy, Transphobia, and Elitist Ignorance

Summary: This speech by a trailblazing figure in the fight against transphobia and heteropatriarchy in Pakistan is introduced by Rehmah Sufi, who provides the political and ideological context of the recent efforts to silence her voice. — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

October 4, 2022 Length: 1226 words 1 comments

Tunisia: End of the Democratic Republic Established by the 2011 Revolution

Summary: On the Saied dictatorship and Tunisia’s future in light of the gains and shortcomings of the 2011 Arab Spring. – Editors

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