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Bill Young

January 29, 2023 Length: 3856 words 0 comments

Six Weeks in Peru: A Human Rights Emergency leads to the “Seizure of Lima.” Violent Repression Ends in a Bloody Standoff

Summary: A Marxist-Humanist reports on the complex situation in Peru with critical historical context. — Editors

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Damian Algabre,
Heather A. Brown,
Rehmah Sufi

January 28, 2023 Length: 3200 words 0 comments

A Marxist-Humanist Statement in Support and Defense of Transgender Rights

Summary: As gender liberation is an indispensable part of the greater struggle for liberation, the lives of trans and other gender expansive folks must be taken seriously and defended unequivocally – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

January 25, 2023 Length: 679 words 0 comments

Millions of French Workers Come Out to Oppose Austerity

Summary: The mass movement in France has reached unexpected size, posing a serious challenge to the government’s austerity plans — Editors

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Eric Blanc,
Peter Hudis,
Isabel Loureiro,
David McNally,
Lori Turner

January 25, 2023 Length: 194 words 0 comments

[Video] Rosa Luxemburg: On Revolution

Summary Recording of book launch for Volume IV of the Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Political Writings 2, “On Revolution” (1906–1909). Hosted by Verso Books and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation – Editors.

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January 20, 2023 Length: 4554 words 1 comments

From Foxconn to the White Paper Revolt: Observations on Chinese Marxists

Summary: This discussion from an activist in China evaluates the massive protests in recent months in light of what they signify for a possible rebirth of genuine Marxism there – Editors.

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Jackson Rodrigo

January 19, 2023 Length: 832 words 0 comments

Revolutionary Education – Unprecedented Strikes in the University of California

A student activist on the unfoldment and debates of the strike of 48,000 academic workers at University of California – Editors

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Dawn Alexander

January 15, 2023 Length: 883 words 18 comments

Life in Mississippi women’s prison ‘not a privilege – just hell’

Summary: We are reposting this article from December 16, 2019 about the horrible conditions at the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility for women, as it has received several comments with reports by people who either have, or have relatives who have, been incarcerated there — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

January 10, 2023 Length: 1010 words 3 comments

Will Joseph Ratzinger’s Grim Legacy Outlive Him?

Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) moved to the right in response to 1968, becoming the Church’s modern Inquisitor, a character with similarities to the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover — Editors

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Jackson Rodrigo

January 9, 2023 Length: 727 words 1 comments

A Student Activist on Hegel, Marx, and Dunayevskaya

A student supporter of the University of California strike comments on Dunayevskaya’s chapter on Hegel and the French revolution in Marxism and Freedom — Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

January 3, 2023 Length: 1337 words 0 comments

On Philosophy, Revolution, and Communism

Summary: Response delivered at July 2022 Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization to the draft reports of Peter Hudis and Kevin Anderson — Editors

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Raju J. Das,
Robert E. Latham,
Lilia D. Monzó

January 1, 2023 Length: 4718 words 1 comments

Toward a unifying struggle against capitalism, racism, sexism and all forms of oppression

Summary: Raju Das and Robert Latham interview Lilia D. Monzó, author of “A Revolutionary Subject: Pedagogy of Women, of Color and Indigeneity.”

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Lyndon Porter

December 31, 2022 Length: 2072 words 1 comments

Marxism, Feminism, and the Struggles of Black, Latinx, and Other BIPOC Communities

Summary: Based on a presentation to the Los Angeles chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization as part of the class series, “For a Humanist Alternative to Patriarchy and Capitalism” — Editors

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Tòmas MacAilpein

December 30, 2022 Length: 1353 words 0 comments

[Discussion Article] A Libertarian Response to the New Edition of the Critique of the Gotha Program

A Scottish libertarian communist discusses value/nature and the state during the transition to communism — Editors

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December 28, 2022 Length: 2746 words 0 comments

China’s “White Paper” Protests — The Beginning of Mass Struggle

Summary: This report from within China details the “white paper” protests that broke out there in late November—called thusly since many held up blank sheets of paper during the protests in response to the regime’s extreme repression of even the mildest questioning of the system or expression of dissent. – Editors

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