Freedom of political prisoners; revocation of death sentence; support for workers’ struggles

Joint Statement by Iranian Organizations

Summary: An urgent statement, signed by many Iranian groups in exile, in defense of political prisoners, some in danger of execution. We republish this in support and solidarity. – Editors.

More than four decades have passed since the Islamic Republic came to power. The Islamic Republic from the very beginning has systematically used prison, torture, and execution in order to intimidate people and opposition. At the present time, a universal and multi-dimensional crisis has crippled the economy and social and political life. Struggles and resistance of people who are suffering from hunger, the coronavirus pandemic, and despotism in different forms have continued. In the Middle East we witness the demonstration of poor Lebanese people against the corruption, bankruptcy and political Islam and above all Hezbollah. We send our greeting to demonstrators in Lebanon who are fighting for equality and freedom, and support their struggle.

Today, workers, teachers, women, students, toilers, farmers, together with writers and civil activists, are fighting for freedom and equality and against prison, torture and execution, and believe that without consciousness and organizing at the work place and in the community that they will not reach freedom and democracy.

More than 43 labor strikes, strikes of nurses and health care workers, workers in the oil industry continue. Also the glorious strike of Haft Tappeh workers, along with their families, in their 63rd day of their strike in spite of a temperature of 50˚ Celsius and risk of getting infected with COVID-19; for dispossession of the corrupt owners who acquired the plant by privatization and other demands like organizing rights and payment of arrears and return of fired workers.

The repressive Islamic Republic regime of plunder and torture, prison and execution, threatens the relatives of political prisoners, and keeps the prisoners in the worst conditions under pressure. Many political prisoners in Tehran, Ahwaz, Urmia, Zanjan, and Mashhad have been infected with coronavirus and some of them have been quarantined in the hospital. The Islamic republic, powerless and incapable of facing the resistance and struggle of Iranian citizens, decided to kill the political prisoners. The execution of Hedayat Abdollahpour and Mostafa Salimi in recent weeks is an alarm for the other political prisoners who were arrested in the 2017 and 2019 uprisings. Also, in the past few days Mohammad Khanifar, the Haft Tappeh workers’ representative miraculously survived a terror act, after the regime’s men shot 18 bullets into his house. This event makes us worry about the life of strike workers.

We should not forget in the summer of 1988, thousands of political prisoners who were sentenced to prison were executed by the order of Khomeini after a so-called trial which took only three minutes. They did this to get rid of the resistance of political prisoners. But today another generation not only in factory, school, university, in the street and work place but in prison and torture places have challenged the regime with their struggles and resistance.

Do not underestimate the hatred of Islamic Republic from political prisoners. Together try to free the political prisoners unconditionally. Coronavirus and worse than that the Islamic Republic regime threaten the life of political prisoners. Together we should support the struggles of workers and different strata of people for their rights and political and livelihood demands and reflect the litigation voice of political prisoners.

In the anniversary of the massacre of 1988 on September 5th of 2020 we the undersigned of this statement will have actions on the streets in different cities around the world to commemorate the fallen comrades in the last four decades.

We hereby invite all the institutions who agree with these statements to have the same actions in their cities according to their possibilities and timings. In case you agree to have action, you can contact us to have your name added to the other signees.


Names of institutions who join this action in different cities and countries:

اتحاد نیروهای دموکراتیک ایرانی – سوییس

Alliance of Iranian democratic forces – Switzerland

انجمن دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی – عقیدتی در پاریس

Association for the defense of political and ideological prisoners in Iran-Paris

جمعی از فعلان اجتماعی – سیاسی و پناهندگان – گوتنبرگ – سوند

Group of social-political activists and refugees- Gutenberg – Sweden

زنان مستقل کلن – آلمان

Independent Women of Cologne – Germany

شورای حمایت از مبارزات آزادیخواهانه مردم ایران – استکهلم

Solidarity council with the struggles of the Iranian people – Stockholm

کانون کنشگران دموکرات و سوسیالیست هانوفر

Center of Democrat and socialist activists – Hanover

کانون پناهندگان سیاسی ایران – برلین

Iranian political refugees center – Berlin

کانون پشتیبانی از مبارزات مردم ایران – وین

The center to support of the struggles of Iranian people – Vienna

کانون زندانیان سیاسی ایران (در تبعید)

The center of Iranian political prisoners (in exile)

کارزار دفاع از جنبش های اجتماعی در ایران – ونکوور

Defense campaign of political movements in Iran – Vancouver

کمیته دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی در ایران – برلین

Defense committee of political prisoners in Iran – Berlin

کمیته یادمان جانباختگان راه آزادی و سوسیالیسم – ونکوور

Committee of remembrance of the victims of freedom and socialism – Vancouver – Canada

کمیته یادمان کشتار زندانیان سیاسی دهه 60 در ایران – مونترال – کانادا

Committee of remembrance of massacre of political prisoners in 80’s in Iran – Montreal – Canada

کمیته دفاع از مبارزات مردم ایران – سوییس

Defense committee of the struggles of Iranian people – Switzerland

کنشگران سیاسی ایران – لوس آنجلس – آمریکا

Koneshgaran (Iranian Political Activists) – Los Angeles – CA – USA

کنشگران آزادی – اورنج کانتی – آمریکا

Koneshgran Azadi – Orange County – CA – USA

گروه همبستگی ایرانی – آلمانی – اشتوتگارت

Iranian – German solidarity group – Stuttgart

آلترناتیو سوسیالیستی ایران – لندن

Socialist Alternative for Iran – London

انجمن دفاع از حقوق بشر و دموکراسی در ایران – هامبورگ

Defense society for human rights and democracy in Iran – Hamburg

انجمن پناهندگان ایرانی – گوتنبرگ

Society of Iranian refugee- Gothenburg
شورای همبستگی با مبارزات مردم ایران – لندن
Solidarity with the struggles of Iranian people council – London
شورای همبستگی پناهجویان و پناهندگان ایرانی – ترکیه
Solidarity of Iranian refugees and refugee applicants – Turkey
فدراسیون اروپرس – بلژیک
Euro Press Federation – Belgium
کانون ایرانیان مترقی در نیویورک و نیوجرسی – آمریکا
Center for progressive Iranians in New York and New jersey – U.S.A
کمیته دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی ایران – دانمارک
Defense committee of Iranian political prisoners – Denmark
کمیته همبستگی با مبارزات مردم ایران – فرانکفورت
Solidarity committee with the struggles of Iranian people – Frankfurt
کمیته همبستگی برای حقوق بشر در ایران – نروژ
Solidarity committee for human rights in Iran- Norway
نهاد همبستگی با جنبش کارگری ایران – غرب آلمان
Solidarity institution with the labor movement in Iran – West of Germany
همبستگی با مبارزات مردم ایران – سوئیس
Solidarity with the struggles of Iranian people – Switzerland
همبستگی با حقوق بشر – کلگری – کانادا
Solidarity with human rights – Calgary Canada
هیئت موسس کانون پناهندگان ایرانی – آتن – یونان
Founding society of center of Iranian refugees .Athens – Greece


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